Learn To Tap Today

Nancy Traina offers tap dance classes in Corvallis, Oregon for ages 5 to over 60 from beginning to advanced levels. In addition to tap technique, students learn tap history and classic routines as passed down from master artists such as “Honi” Coles, Buster Brown, Steve Condos and more. Classic dances include the Shim Sham and variations, BS Chorus, Soft Shoe and Waltz Clog. Other styles include rhythm tap paddle and roll routines, Latin inspired, jazz and musical theatre combinations.
Class location is Majestic Theatre, 115 SW Second, Corvallis
Winter Tap Classes
Pacific Tap Dance Company
Jan 6 - Mar 20
Int Tech Mon 5:00-6:00 1/6-3/17 $154.00
Beg 1 Mon 6:00-7:00 1/6-3/17 *$140.00
*No Class Jan 20
Advanced Tue 5:15-6:30 1/7-3/18 $165.00
Int Wed 5:30-6:30 1/8-3/19 $154.00
Beg 2 Thur 5:30-6:30 1/9-3/20 $154.00
Youth Classes Tuesdays 1/7-3/18
Beginning Age 5-8 3:30-4:10
Beginning Age 9-12 4:15-5:00
Please register with Parks and Rec for Youth classes
Space is limited
To Pre-register contact Nancy Traina
nmtraina@comcast.net 541-928-2382
Payment by check, cash or Venmo can be made at first class.
10% discount for 2 or more classes
Drop- in rate for Adult class is $17.00
Dancers will learn basic tap steps, terminology and correct technique for executing footwork. Various styles of music will be used to learn rhythmic awareness and sensitivity to tempos. Short combinations of basic steps will be introduced to understand the beginning of phrasing with music. The Shim Sham will be introduced.
Dancers will review basic steps, and review correct placement and weight shifts and refine skills for clarity and timing. We will continue variations of basic tap steps with different tempos to improve speed and accuracy and learn intermediate level technique skills such as riff walks and time steps.
Dancers will review basics and intermediate level combinations working toward more complex rhythms. We will learn more about dynamics, accents and shading using extended phrasing involving total body movement and we’ll work for speed, clarity and exactness in technique.
This class is a non-performing opportunity for those dancers who want to hone their skills and is highly recommended as a second class in addition to a choreography class. Dancers should already know basic tap steps.
Typical dance attire is jazz or yoga pants, t-shirt and tap shoes. No long skirts or jeans.
Class fees are based on length of class and weeks in the session. The average length of class is one hour ($14.00). Payment for the session is due by the third week of class. Special alternate arrangements can be made. Drop-ins are welcome for $17.00/class.
It is important to attend classes regularly to avoid missing new material. Just as important is to be on time for class and participate in the warm-up. Being late disrupts the class and teacher and occasionally allows for missed information or announcements.
Private lessons are available for makeup at $25.00 per ½ hour or $35.00 per ¾ hr. (North Albany location)
Nancy Traina was six years old when she took a dance class for one year learning tap, ballet and tumbling. As a young girl she watched Shirley Temple movies like so many other kids during those years. Something about the tap stuck with her and thirty years later the “tap bug” bit her for good.
In 1989, when the movie “Tap” came out starring Sammy Davis, Jr. and Gregory Hines the first International Tap Festival in Portland, Oregon was held. Only one year back into tap dance, Nancy made the trip with other local tap enthusiasts and studied tap dance for one full week with famous tap artists, many of whom were in the movie. The Portland festival continued for several more years and Nancy attended every one as well as other like festivals all over the country including those in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles , Colorado as well as British Columbia, Canada. Her mentors include Charles “Honi” Coles, Brenda Bufalino, Steve Condos, Eddie Brown, LaVaughn Robinson, Dianne Walker.
Originally from California, Nancy studied music her school years. Her family members all play instruments so it was only natural to play as much music as time would allow. She and her twin sisters formed a folk singing group “The Edwards Sisters” in the 60’s, performing at coffee houses, for civic clubs, county and state fairs and anywhere their mother could take them. She was in bands and orchestras throughout middle and high school and would play anything put in front of her. If the orchestra didn’t have enough bass players, she would do it. Wind instruments are her favorite particularly the saxophone. It was in the high school jazz band at age fourteen where she met her husband, Wayne and they have been together ever since. They have two sons, and three beautiful grandchildren.
She and her husband moved to Oregon in 1977 and ten years later a friend got her back into tap dance. Following the Portland Tap Festival in 1989, she and current dance partners Linda Erwin, Beth Butler and Teresa Zimmerdahl formed the Pacific Tap Dance Company to promote tap through teaching and performing. The group is still going strong and Nancy continues to teach all ages and levels at the Majestic Theatre.
Tap dance is uniquely an American art form. Its’ influences are African flat foot and European clogging. When jazz music and tap became popular early in the twentieth century it seemed everyone could do some form of tap dancing. You had to be able to tap to get a job in entertainment whether it was in vaudeville, in a night club, with a big band, or in movies.
Fortunately, with her background, Nancy has been able to incorporate music theory into her teaching and helps students understand the value of rhythm, timing, musical forms, dynamics and improvisation within the many styles of music she uses in her classes. Tap is a powerful aesthetic force providing a source of enjoyment and an outlet for creativity and self-expression. Whether you do it for exercise, for fun or as a professional performer it is enjoyed by all.
Group Lessons held at Majestic Theatre
Private Lessons available at the North Albany Studio
Contact Nancy for available times.
Pacific Tap Dance Company
PO Box 3203 Albany, OR 97321
115 Southwest 2nd Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97333, United States
Pacific Tap Dance Company
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